Where: Charles City Elementary School @ 10049 Courthouse Rd, Charles City VA 23030
APRIL 23. 2022
10:00 am Litter Cleanup offsite at Barnetts Rd, Adkins Rd, and Lott Cary Rd.
12:30 pm Free Lunch for the first 300 attendees
1:00 pm 3ktrae performance
He is a Native American rapper, singer, and songwriter from Charles City.
12:30- 2:00pm Water activities and cooperative sports or solar/STEM
2:00 pm History of Barnetts Elementary School
1:00 -3:30 pm Pony rides
3:30 pm closing
To volunteer for the morning litter pickup or at the celebration, email c5groupinform@gmail.com or call 804-829-0125.
(Rain or shine event)