Land Trust of Virginia: Announcing Easement #210! And it's a BIG one!

Shield’s Point is an 827.9 acre property located in James City County. This is our largest easement of the year and our second largest easement ever recorded! AND it's in a brand new county for LTV! 173 building lots have been permanently extinguished with this easement.
Shield’s Point is located 5.4 miles west-northwest of Williamsburg and contains numerous conservation values of high importance.
The property has 1.94 miles of frontage on the Chickahominy River, a State-designated Scenic River. Atlantic Sturgeon, listed as being endangered at the State and Federal Levels, are known by confirmed observation within the Chickahominy River. The proximity of this conservation easement to the 5,217-acre Chickahominy Wildlife Management Area, managed by the Department of Wildlife Resources and located directly across the river, will have an enormous impact in the habitat protection of this fish.
Other water resources include 2.51 miles of frontage on Blackstump Creek (a perennial stream), 156 acres of wetlands, and 505 acres of County-designated floodplain. Shield’s Point is in the watersheds of Blackstump Creek, the Chickahominy River, the James River, and the Chesapeake Bay.
Shield’s Point also contains approximately 444 acres of soils defined by the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture as being either Prime Farmland or Farmland of Statewide Importance.
The property contains a 731-acre “ecological core” area with Category 5 (“Outstanding”) ecological integrity, designated as such in the 2007 Virginia Natural Landscape Assessment of the Department of Conservation and Recreation's Virginia Natural Heritage Program. This assessment is based on a variety of information collected, including rare species and habitats, environmental diversity, species diversity, patch characteristics, patch context, and water quality benefits.
This easement brings our conserved acreage to 24,605 across 20 counties!
